Supply chain sustainability and risk assessments

Requirements and audit & assessment practices, country risks, material and industry risks.

A starting point for supply chain sustainability work is to know the potential risks in terms of materials, countries and sectors. Each company is responsible for its own actions, but the buyer has certain leverage over its supplier, as well as potential indirect influences on suppliers’ abilities to act responsibly. Risk assessment helps the company to target its sustainability efforts correctly and to prioritise the most significant risks.

Supply chain sustainability programme usually includes setting an ambition, establishing supplier sustainability requirements, establishing processes and practices for supplier evaluation and monitoring, and engaging suppliers in contributing to social sustainability.

The work requires capacity and commitment from the sourcing & procurement organisation, as relevant processes are reviewed and, if necessary, modified, and changes and possible new approaches are trained.

I carry out social and human rights risk assessment for supply chains, development of sourcing sustainability work, supplier codes of conduct, and auditor trainings for client companies.

How can I help?

Tell us what kind of support your company needs for its sustainability efforts. Ask about our services or request a quote.